Thomas & Tianna

An Open Door Waiting Couple

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Hi there!

We’re Thomas & Tianna, and this is our little girl, Janelle. If you could see our faces in this moment, we think you would catch a glimpse of how deeply we care and how humbled we are to sit in this space with you. We don’t pretend to understand what you’re feeling, and yet, we imagine there is a mixture of emotions – maybe some hurt and fear. We want you to know we feel those with you as we pray for you and think about what this must be like. We are in your corner as you embrace your courage and take the time you need to sort through your options. No matter what you decide, our heart for you remains the same.

We also want you to know that we love being parents, and we’re humbled by the thought of loving another child! We cannot wait to watch their story unfold and surround them with unconditional love. It’s the same love we can tell you already have for your child as you navigate the decisions ahead of you.

You have a story. We have a story. This child has a story. If each of our stories collide, then our hearts will hold so much space for you. And even if they don’t, our hearts are still for you. We pray God gives you peace and confidence. Your voice matters most in the days ahead and we are praying you feel loved.

– Thomas & Tianna

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