International Adoption Eligibility

International Adoption Requirements

Click on a country to review their adoption requirements. All couples applying to The Open Door must be of the Christian faith.

  • At least one prospective adoptive parent must be a US Citizen.
  • Couples must be considered habitual residents of the US.
  • No more than 50 years age difference between the child and the younger spouse and no more than 55 years between the child and the older spouse
  • Couples must be married 2 1/2 years
  • Previous divorce is acceptable
  • Be a single female or married couple
  • You may select the age and gender of the child
  • You may have other children
  • The Agency seeks Christian adoptive parents
  • Must demonstrate the means to support the physical, emotional and financial needs of a child
  • At least one prospective adoptive parent must be a US citizen.
  • Couples must be considered habitual residents of the US.
  • Parents must be at least 25 years of age, difference of at least 14 years between younger parent and child and no more than 45 years between younger parent and child
  • Couples married 3 years
  • Single women and married opposite sex individuals
  • Must demonstrate the means to support the physical, emotional and financial needs of a child
  • Speak with our staff if you have mental or physical illness or previous criminal history
  • The agency seeks Christian adoptive parents
  • At least one prospective adoptive parent must be a US citizen.
  • Couples must be considered habitual residents of the US.
  • Must be at least 25 years old and at least 15 years older but not more than 45 years older than the child
  • Couples must be married 2 1/2 years
  • Previous divorce is acceptable
  • Be a single female or married opposite sex individuals
  • Must demonstrate the means to support the physical, emotional and financial needs of a child
  • The agency seeks Christian adoptive parents
  • Must have a clean criminal history for the past 10 years
  • Couples must be considered habitual residents of the US.
  • Be a married couple for at least 2 ½ years
  • Be at least 18 years older than the child
  • Adoptive parents can only be registered on the list of children with special needs
  • Previous divorce is acceptable
  • Lithuanian Central Authority prefers the adopted child to be the youngest in the family but it is not a requirement
  • Certain medical conditions can disqualify prospective adoptive parents. Speak to program coordinator for more details
  • No more than five children under the age of 18 living at home
  • At least one prospective adoptive parent must be a US citizen.
  • Couples must be considered habitual residents of the US.
  • Be a married couple for at least 2 1/2 years or a single female
  • Must be over 25 years of age and at least 17 years older than the adopted child. If married, only one parent must meet the age requirement
  • Must demonstrate the means to support the physical, emotional and financial needs of a child
  • The agency seeks Christian adoptive parents
  • At least one prospective adoptive parent must be a US citizen.
  • Couples must be considered habitual residents of the US.
  • Be 25 – 50 years old to adopt a child 5 to 6 years of age; Parents 51 to 55 years of age may adopt a child 7 years of age or older
  • Parents must be at least 18 years older than the child they adopt
  • Parents must be married 2 1/2 years
  • Parents must have three or fewer children living in the home
  • Previous divorce is acceptable
  • Must demonstrate the means to support the physical, emotional and financial needs of a child
  • The agency seeks Christian adoptive parents
  • Please speak with our staff if you have a criminal history or history of mental illness
  • At least one prospective adoptive parent must be a US citizen.
  • Couples must be considered habitual residents of the US.
  • Both married and single persons may adopt
  • Adoptive parents must be at least 25 years of age and generally no more than 40 years older than the child they adopt
  • Poland has set no specific income requirements however they will assess adoptive families to ensure they have a stable financial situation, as well as overall good health and appropriate moral qualities
  • The agency seeks Christian adoptive parents
  • While Poland is a Catholic country they allow both Catholics and non-Catholics to adopt
  • Please speak with our staff if you have a criminal history or history of mental illness
  • At least one prospective adoptive parent must be a US citizen.
  • Couples must be considered habitual residents of the US.
  • Must be 25 years or older
  • Must be at least 15 years older than the child you adopt
  • Previous divorce is acceptable
  • Parents may have other biological and/or adopted children
  • Must be married
  • Those with certain health conditions or a history of mental health issues such as depression should contact a consultant prior to applying to check their eligibility status
  • The agency seeks Christian adoptive parents

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Brent & Emily

Stephen & Maribel

Lucas & Melinda

Ryan & Briana

Justin & Kaylie

Jeff & Beckie

**MATCHED** John & Amanda

Bradley & Kara

Ian & Jessica