It’s Good Friday, and we thought it was a good Friday to start our new blog! Okay, really, this is just a good day to start and the hashtag works. The real point is…we care about the women we serve, and we want to be here for you, even before you have made decisions or even know you need to make decisions about an unexpected pregnancy. We want to serve you, where you are, in the issues that matter to you, because sometimes figuring out this whole “life” thing can be hard, and even harder to do on your own.
Full disclosure, in case you missed it, we are an adoption agency–An Open Door has been around since 1987 (that’s right, we’re still gonna rock our side parts and skinny jeans!) Our goal throughout that time has been to help women who find themselves in hard situations, with hard decisions, to make the best choices for them and their babies. But in every case we’ve helped with, our caseworkers have been there for more than just casework and adoption planning. They’ve been there to help women of all ages and demographics navigate pregnancy. They’ve been there through ugly baby-daddy breakups and get-back-togethers. They’ve helped navigate family dynamics. They’ve even helped with things like finding a good place to live, getting signed up for WIC, budgeting, detoxing, going back to school, and soooo many other situations. So this is just an extension of that help, whether you’re pregnant and considering adoption, or you’re not pregnant at all and just want some big-sisterly advice.
So share your questions with us, let us know what you’re dealing with, and we’ll do the best we can to walk with you and make it as fun as an older millennial can be. Our door is always open!